Spring activities with your grandchildren

Spring activities with your grandchildren

Exploring the outdoors this Spring

Now that Spring is in the air, there’s nothing like getting out and about with the grandchildren to brighten up your day. I don’t know about you but giving the grandchildren the freedom to run around and explore in the fresh air is just wonderful. We always hear lots in the papers and on TV about grandchildren not getting out as much as they did when we were younger, so let’s make the most of the outdoors and get up and out there. Here’s some of our favourite activities to do with our young ones:

Pooh Sticks

Head off to your local river or stream to enjoy this simple game. Find a bridge and a couple of sticks and drop them off one side of the bridge and see whose stick reaches the other side of the bridge first! This game never gets old! I know you know it but we need to say – always watch your grandchildren around water.

Nature Art

Head off to the park, woods or even your garden and see what you can find. Leaves, twigs, berries, flowers – they all make great items to create art with. Whilst collecting the leaves and twigs it’s lovely to chat to the grandchildren about what you’re finding. My grandson couldn’t believe that acorns fell off oak trees! When we get home, we set up the table and start getting creative. Use glue to stick some of your items on to a piece of paper and create a picture, use paint to create leaf art, or simply get the crayons and draw some of the things that you have seen.

Treasure Hunt 

On a piece of card draw pictures of things for the grandchildren to find and let them in to the back garden to explore (if it is safe to do so)… a pebble, a flower or even a feather. Don’t worry if your garden is quite plain, you can always hide things for the grandchildren to find. It’s great to see their face as they come back to you with all their treasure in their arms. You could even give a small reward for their efforts.

Pebble Painting

Whilst out and about with the grandchildren try and find some smooth pebbles, oval ones are great but you can make any shape work! When you get home use some paint to decorate the pebble. You can let the grandchildren just experiment or try something like painting the number of their age or the letter of their first name and if they are a bit older, they could even try something like our Ladybird! It’s best to coat the pebble with a sealant of some kind, we have used clear nail polish which has worked fine for the keepsakes the grandchildren have painted.

The outdoors holds so many possibilities for the grandchildren to learn and explore. From activities like the above to a simple picnic or ride on a scooter, whatever you choose to do, you’re grandchildren are sure to create some wonderful memories they will treasure.

Have fun!

The Grandparent Hub

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